BAUMA 2022, Professional

AL-KO Trailer Control (ATC) makes driving safer – now for commercial trailers as well

Evasive manoeuvres, lane changes, ruts, overtaking and gusts of wind can cause the trailer to rock. Keeping the vehicle combination under control then becomes increasingly risky. That is where the ATC can help – now for commercial trailers as well.

AL-KO ATC has been ensuring safe driving with leisure trailers since 2006. The new ATC is now also suitable for commercial trailers with changing loads and gross weights. 

Dynamic safety for vehicle combination handling

The ATC uses sensors to detect when the trailer is swaying dangerously. If that starts to happen, the ATC becomes active and applies the trailer brakes via Bowden cables. Briefly braking the trailer stretches out the vehicle combination and pulls it straight again. This reduces the lateral acceleration and reduces the hazardous situation. The entire process is hardly noticeable to the driver. Until now, the ATC has only been available for leisure vehicles. That’s because, unlike most commercial trailers, caravans have a relatively constant weight because their payload is usually low and there is little difference between their unladen and gross weights. Compared to caravans, commercial trailers place higher demands on the ATC, as the gross weight often depends on the respective load. The new ATC for commercial trailers now also models different load conditions, ensuring more safety for commercial trailers. The new ATC is based on the trailer’s maximum permissible gross weight and adjusts the system dynamically. The range of applications covers various types of trailers up to 3.5 tonnes, including small and large transport trailers for trade, livestock trailers, horse boxes and even boat trailers. 

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AL-KO ATC Trailer Control | © AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group AL-KO ATC Trailer Control | © AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group
AL-KO ATC Trailer Control

The facts on the new ATC

The ATC is available in different versions for trailers up to a maximum permissible gross weight of 3.5 tonnes. The system also meets all requirements of ECE R10 (EMC) and ECE R13. These safety directives apply throughout Europe and standardise the uniform conditions for motor vehicle equipment and parts. The ATC therefore meets the highest safety standards across all countries. AL-KO Trailer Control can only be fitted in combination with an AL-KO axle and an AL-KO wheel brake. The system should also only be installed by trained professionals. The ATC is to be seen as an aid for handling vehicle combinations. It is not capable of mitigating grossly negligent driving responses or adverse loading conditions to the extent that accidents can be completely prevented at all times, nor is it designed to do so. 

© AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group © AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group

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AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group
Ichenhauser Straße 14
D-89359 Kötz

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