General terms and conditions
Here you will find all legal documents, notes, general terms and conditions (GTC), delivery instructions, disclaimer, etc. If you have any questions, you can always contact us.
South Warwickshire Business Park
CV47 0AL
Our general delivery conditions can be found here:
The current terms and conditions of purchase can be found here.
Gender-neutral reference to persons - for ease of readability, no gender-specific differentiation is implied when referring to people (e.g. chairman). Any reference to the masculine form in the text below shall be understood to refer to both men and women equally, and vice versa.
AL-KO reserves all rights to texts, images, graphics, sound files, animations, which have been used to design the web pages. These elements are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws as far as possible. Elements used in the design are also partially subject to the copyright of third parties. The content of the AL-KO websites may not be copied, distributed, modified or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes without the consent of AL-KO Vehicle Technology. This excludes files that are specifically offered by AL-KO on the websites for download and for publication.
The word and design marks on AL-KO Internet pages are for the most part protected by trademark law. This applies in particular for logos, product names and type designations.
All AL-KO Internet pages have been created with the greatest care. Nevertheless, AL-KO cannot guarantee the correctness and accuracy of the information contained therein. AL-KO excludes all liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website, insofar as such damages are not based on intent or gross negligence on the part of AL-KO or its agents. Files are downloaded and personal data provided at the user's own risk.
In a decision of 12 May 1998, the regional court of Hamburg ruled that the act of providing a link to a website entails joint responsibility for the content of the linked site. According to the regional court, this can only be prevented by expressly dissociating oneself from these websites. We have placed a number of links to other sites on the Internet on our website.
We hereby expressly emphasise that we have no influence on the content of the linked sites. We dissociate ourselves from all contents of these sites and do not adopt their contents.
This statement applies to all links and to the contents of the pages to which our links lead.
The security declaration for authorised AEO can be found here