SAFIM e FLUID PRESS presenteranno soluzioni idrauliche all’avanguardia a Bauma Monaco 2025
SAFIM e FLUID PRESS, parte del segmento Hydraulic Business di AL-KO, sono entusiasti di annunciare il loro ritorno a Bauma 2025. Le aziende saranno presenti nel Padiglione A4, Stand 403, dal 7 al 13 aprile 2025, a Monaco di Baviera, in Germania.
SAWIKO, the AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group’s specialist for towbars and carrier systems for bicycles, scooters and motorcycles, is celebrating thirty years of success.
AL-KO Vehicle Technology Group plans to open a customer and training center in the United Kingdom in March 2025. The company is thus expanding its European network of customer centers to a total of nine sites.
AL-KO Vehicle Technology will be presenting a full range of leisure vehicles and accessories at the CMT in Stuttgart in Hall 7 / C12 and in the Foyer’s East Entrance / EO 126.
DexKo Global Inc. (“DexKo”), leader mondiale nella produzione altamente ingegnerizzata di carrelli speciali, assemblaggi di telai, componenti correlati, applicazioni e valvole per freni idraulici, è lieta di annunciare l’acquisizione di Cerma Srl (“Cerma”).
The apprentices at AL-KO Vehicle Technology in Kötz and Ettenbeuren have been trained as ‘Energy Scouts’ with the help of a program run by the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in 2024. The additional qualification aims to raise the trainee’s awareness of energy efficiency and sustainability.